Thursday, June 14, 2012

Create Rackspace DNS

Article Id: 80 | | Article

Creating DNS records for your domain is easy to do within the Cloud Server Control Panel. In this article, we will look at creating a DNS zone for your domain and adding basic A, MX, and CNAME records using the Cloud Server Control Panel.


Log In

The first thing we have to do is log into the Cloud Server Control Panel which can be found at

DNS Panel

When you log in, navigate to your Cloud Server overview page, by selecting Hosting > Cloud Servers.
Cloud Control Panel Menu
This opens an overview page of your Cloud Servers. Click on the link for your Cloud Server. Next, click on the DNS tab at the top. This is where you will modify your DNS records.

Adding a Domain

The first step in setting up DNS is to add your domain. Click on the Add button. In the window that appears type your domain name in the Domain Name field. Do not enter www or anything like that. Press OK when you are done.

Adding an A Record

Now we need to add our first A record to the domain. Click on the domain in the Domain Management screen.
Click on the Add button to add our first record — a new window should appear. In this screen you will enter several pieces of information. For our example, A record we will be creating the A record and pointing it to the IP of Use the list below to help you fill them in:
·       Name - This is the fully qualified domain name. If you are creating a domain such as you will enter
·       Content - For an A record this is going to be the IP address of the server. Enter
·       TTL - This is the Time-To-Live value for the record. You may enter any value you want but we recommend using 300 (seconds).
·       Type - This is the record type. Leave it set to A.
Press the OK button to save your record.
You will see an A record listed for pointing to

Adding an MX Record

Now we would like to add an MX record so users of that domain can receive e-mail. For our example, we will set our MX record to The creation process is just like it is with an A record but we need to modify the values below:
·       Name - This should match your domain. Set this to
·       Content - This is what your MX record will point to. Set this to
·       Priority - This sets the priority of your MX record. For your first record set it to 10. Subsequent records will have 20, 30, 40, etc.
·       TTL - Set your Time-To-Live value to 300.
·       Type - Set your record time to MX.
Press the OK button to save your record.
You will see an MX record listed for pointing to

Adding a CNAME Record

Now we would like to add a CNAME record for and point it to This will make it so people who go to in their web browser will be able to find our website.
Click the Add button again and follow the same procedure. Use the information below to help you fill out the fields:
·       Name - This should be set to
·       Content - This should be set to the location where your CNAME should point. Enter here.
·       TTL - Set this to 300 seconds.
·       Type - Set the type to CNAME.
Press OK and the record will be added.
You will see the new CNAME record added.
If you used your own domain for mail (like, you should also add a CNAME entry for that points to

Deleting a Record

If you made a mistake and would like to delete a record, clickthe check box to the right of the record and click the Delete button at the top. Accept the confirmation and the record will be deleted.

Deleting a Domain

If you would like to delete your domain entirely (and all records) you need to be in the Domain Management screen. This is the first tab you come to when you click on the DNS tab in your Cloud Server. Click on the check box to the right of the domain and click Delete at the top. Accept the confirmation and the domain will be deleted.

What are the DNS servers for my Cloud Server?

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