Monday, October 17, 2011

XSS Summary

For Stripes: -

1. Stripes will HTML escape all input tag values. This behavior bypass PopulationStrategy.
2. LocalizableError *fieldValue* will be escaped.
3. SimpleError will *not* be escaped.
4. SimpleMessage and LocalizableMessage will *not* be escaped.

For JSTL: -
1. will escape by default
2. ${..} will *not* escape
3. ${fn:escapeXml(...)} will call escapeXml function to escape the content.

Therefore: -

1. Always use to render output; don't use ${}
2. If you must use ${somevalue}, use ${fn:escapeXml(somevalue)}
3. All args that contain user input String value passed to MessageDisplay or ValidationErrors must be SafeHtmlUtil.HTMLEntityEncode(arg[n]).

XSS Prevention

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