Monday, November 05, 2007

Looking up an EJB home with JNDI

Sometimes it is more convenient for an application to use a corbaname URL as the lookup name. Container-based JNDI clients and thin Java clients can use a corbaname URL. An example of a lookup with a corbaname URL is also included in this section

JNDI lookup from an application running in a container

  java.lang.Object ejbHome =

JNDI lookup from an application that does not run in a container

java.lang.Object ejbHome = initialContext.lookup(

Server cluster
java.lang.Object ejbHome = initialContext.lookup(

Fixed qualified names
java.lang.Object ejbHome = initialContext.lookup(

JNDI lookup with a corbaname URL
java.lang.Object ejbHome = initialContext.lookup(


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